Thursday, June 22, 2006

I kind of like you.

you end reality for me just like i've always wanted. i don't always understand how your smile seems to contain the world; i'm jealous of your smiles you know, just like God is jealous of us, i don't want anyone else to have them but me. i don't need music anymore - listen to you, i've never heard anything so beautiful. sometimes i stop thinking about it all and am just quiet in you. and summer..or doesn't really matter or even exist anymore, not near you.

i am happy in our black and white world. everything is calmer here, i don't hide terrors in me anymore. my nightmares don't flourish in marvelous artwork as much now. but there is the matter of time - a thing that doesn't really exist. i don't like things i can't control, you know that about me; you were the only exception for that. but it's just at the moment when we are where we want to be, and all enveloped i find a tender pain in it. i'm wrapped in the drapes by the moody lampshade and you're still asleep; oh you are beautiful, more so when you're very near me and very far from me and all the places inbetween. the dawn is almost breaking and my burning happiness is touched with something very cold - the passing of it; it is being blown away and i can do nothing about it. i can only have you as long as you are here. i am indignant as i forget i am human. knuckles clenched to white...shut your eyes tightly and try very very hard, like when you were little and wanted to wake from a dream...there must be a way out of the world, out of time.

i am drawn up, dried up and pressed; the gold spills onto my grey matter.
the end of what we know is the beginning of its permanence, its fixedness. but that doesn't fit in my head yet.
hot tears of fury streak my face as you sleep, so peaceful, my beautiful hurts, because it won't last - everything is fleeting. just when i feel the human flesh against mine, i turn my watery eyes to their graves and see the impossibility of it. because we're greedy creatures and now is not enough - we want forever.

i want you forever.

forever has already begun, so maybe there is no end to this...



At 6/22/2006 4:48 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

i have some of that exactly, with some people. not very many people. only my life-people actually, my very very nearest (and dearest haha ew)--some of what you talk about. not all of it. isn't it funny how we're always jealous of what we love, as though it can be spent out and there won't be enough for us. when you love something it suddenly becomes very frail and your hold on it is precarious. except not for God obviously, that's his pleasure as the Lord of this place. and in another way the deepest love is the one that is so close that you just forget about it... at the moment i'm just exhausted of delving into the meaning of things, which is why i'm hardly writing. you say it so well though, honestly, everything you ever gushed about other peoples writing is true about yours. and i miss you SO much, i miss your hair and words and polite manners.

At 6/22/2006 6:40 PM, Blogger Janelle said...

do you ever get it when you don't know what to say?
well what hannah said is what i would want to say pretty much (except i would not be able to word it lol)
i miss you, i'm writing you a letter and it's about 6 pages long right now. but i think i'll write more and then send it along with chelsea to your house. man are you going camping with all of us? i can't remember if you are or not... i waaant you so badly!! man. ok i have to go do more math or i won't be going camping at all lol.

At 6/22/2006 8:10 PM, Blogger Keith Brink said...

Mmm, speaking of talented writers :). Sorry, long comments are not a flaw of mine...

At 6/23/2006 8:23 PM, Blogger Joel f said...

We're flying into eternity at breakneck speed, Lara...think what we have to look forward to--perfect love for everyone, without jealousy, joy with each other in our Lord...all those people whom you really love but can't really say it will know. Maybe it's harder for guys, I don't know; you can't just say 'I love you' and be understood in the purest sense. We can't love in the purest sense anyways.

You keep reminding me of eternity...

At 6/23/2006 9:53 PM, Blogger Lara said...

hannah i understand everything you said. and thank you, about my writing, i have a whole thing to talk to you about it...a good thing :) but it's long, so when i see you-!! i miss you dreadfully!! <3 last exam on monday...

janellleee. i'm sooo excited about your letter. last exam on monday - then i can email you and we will plan a DAY! and night :D cause i miss you like heck. and no i'm not coming camping :( i know doesnt it suck? i wish i could come..

i never said it was a flaw - i said bane - there's a difference ;)

i think the understanding thing has a lot to do with the teenage years joel. it won't always be like that. and it can be understood, it just depends on the people and a zillion other things. besides, no one said girls were more understood.

At 6/26/2006 1:41 PM, Blogger Tala Azar said...

lovely lovely lovely

im guessing this is about your nephew? i could be wrong but that's what i suspect...

OH i misssssssss you!!!!

At 7/03/2006 5:03 PM, Blogger Lara said...

lol nope, not about noah.
in one kind of way it is.
but in another it's not.
my, i confuse myself.
not really :P
LOVE you!


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