Friday, October 28, 2005

Here's another post on how we're not kids anymore...

My stuffed animals. Scary things coming into my window because it was so close to the roof ledge. When my friends across the street would come play. Sunday school. If mom found out I took that cookie...twirl, dancing in front of the mirror in my white tutu.

Those were the things in my head when I was little. Everything about life seemed so impossibly far away. Being a big person seemed so liberating, so wonderful; like some kind of secret that would make you happy forever. I used to think that growing up would get rid of all those fears...bad dreams, mom leaving me at a birthday party, swimming lessons. But bigger fears are introduced. And the most basic things we built off of are removed. We find out our parents are people too with flaws and shortcomings. They're not that perfect, generic lifespring of protection and answers; they are people, they have souls, fears, doubts, dreams, needs, hopes...faults; and that we still will when we're their age. That life isn't an hourglass tipped over on a perfection half. That your soul doesn't just refine itself. That we will always know how to cry the way we did when we were children. We find out that money is important. That no one will protect you the way they did when you were little and going shopping with mummy and daddy. That you become solitary. In a way, alone.

And yet, a blossoming island if you stand in the Sun.


At 10/29/2005 6:36 AM, Blogger Elysha said...

I loved being a kid. I have so many memories of my childhood that I cherish...

love <33

At 10/29/2005 7:22 AM, Blogger Tala Azar said...

i want to crawl into a hole and hide there forever
i've started to hate waking up so much
my dreams and nightmares, even THEY are better than this cold sick vulnerable life

At 10/29/2005 9:47 AM, Blogger Joel f said...

Not kids anymore...but not adults yet either. Sort of in-between carefree innocence and responsibility. What we do now matters...a bit. Now if we make a mistake it isn't just 'go to your room' or 'say sorry to your sister'--it's serious. These are the years when the direction of our lives becomes unique. We are beginning to see where we are going, and that is wonderful and scary at the same time.

At 10/29/2005 2:04 PM, Blogger Lara said...

aw summer, last the winter...i went through this stage of like three weeks where getting up was so sooo hard for me. it was awful, and yeah! - my dreams and nightmares were preferred to waking. and often in the winter even when i am happy waking up is bleak because its so cold and theres so much school and i dont give myself enough sleep like a good girl should :P summer, i am going to email you. because i want to. because i love you. but i will see you tonight so i'm not going to email you right now :P <333
very true eldaglin. yeah it is a strange inbetween of those two things. its scary how it all comes at once.

At 10/30/2005 7:48 AM, Blogger Tala Azar said...

thanks yay i'd love that

At 11/03/2005 5:03 PM, Blogger kathleen said...

hehehe i really liked that post. i loved being a kid too.

it's funny though how when you're younger you look so forward to being older. and when you're older you think that being a kid was so wonderful. which is basically what you said in your post. but yeahhh.

At 11/05/2005 10:52 AM, Blogger Lara said...

mxpx, true that. mm i looked up kinky...adj. strange, weird, odd, queer; curly; stiff; kooky; perverted.
anyway, first off the guy doesnt know you. second, he's gotta be an idiot to say something like that about you right there so boldly. even if he's latino :P theres lots other latino guys ;)
kath - yep :) scary thing, growing up. especially how you can never go back.

At 11/08/2005 6:36 AM, Blogger Tala Azar said...

ya i knew kinky meant that and i told andrea but she didnt believe me AHA!!!!!

mmm latino.....

At 11/08/2005 2:53 PM, Blogger Tala Azar said...

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa blog!

At 11/08/2005 3:03 PM, Blogger Lara said...

school just got caraaaaaaaazy!! waha! i'm getting private french lessons now on top of my in-class ones! i'm excited! even if it means more work! and chemistry...algebra...romeo and juliet...whizzoh!!
yeah, its what kinky means.
hi-ho-the darry-o...i wonder what that actually means.
yep i was contemplating blogging today. but i hadnt the time. in fact, i'm doing a science exam right now and should do more math after that and one GOOD thing about tonight (actually the day was very very good all in all) is that teema is coming to viiiiisit meeee!!!!!
oo yesterday was a very very good day for me. so was today. blog-ish! later i shall!

At 11/08/2005 7:08 PM, Blogger Elysha said...

i'm looking forward to romeo and juliet :D i got the book today and i was looking through it and... not understanding basically any of it! that's my modern mind for ya...

At 11/08/2005 7:38 PM, Blogger Tala Azar said...

yayyy your good day makes me happy :D I LOVE YOU MORE THAN A CHERRY ON TOP!!!

At 11/09/2005 8:00 AM, Blogger Lara said...

what does it actually mean then andrea?
sorry guys i know i'm dragging on these comments but i should post :P kchssh.
summerrrr :D i heart thee much. <3
yeah ive had a copy of romeo and juliet for a bit but i havent looked at it yet really. i'm a bit worried about not understanding the olde (emphasis on that e at the end :P) english, but james says i'll be fine and im sure i will. w00t, we dont have any assignments for mod 8!!!!

At 11/09/2005 10:10 AM, Blogger Tala Azar said...

you should get a version of romeo and juliet that explains some of the words on the side... very helpful.

and watch the movie after reading or before -- to freshen up your mind :P then you can picture it while you read or hear the words when you're watching.

heart thee too

At 11/09/2005 1:00 PM, Blogger Janelle said...

hellooooooo! i'm in a sortish sort of a happy mood. its kinda weird actually. it's such a horrible looking day outside though. cause it's been raining, and raining, and raining some more and it's like GAH stop with the raining. but oh well i guess it's kinda cozy. inside the house anyways. yno what you should really blog again that would be a nice thing. are you coming to our choral connection concert?!?!??! pleeeez say you are cause it wouldn't be the same without you. lol and you have to come partaying afterwards ... we are so going to rent like, the whole entire kelsey's. kinda ALMOST lol. i've been teaching all day. and i have to teach again in exactly...16 minutes. and i still ahve to do math and english today and cello practice BLAH. i should get off though cause if my mom finds me on here it will not be good LOL. ok bye! see you friday. for the remembrance day thing OOOH i emailed you too. bye! i heart you muchly

At 11/09/2005 6:22 PM, Blogger Elysha said...

i'm totally looking forward to the break from english :D even though i enjoy english alot!

At 11/17/2005 3:39 PM, Blogger Tala Azar said...

*clock* 2 *this*

At 11/19/2005 1:33 PM, Blogger Joel f said...

'kinky' is one of those words that used to just mean strange/eccentric or twisted/crooked...but modern society took the 'twisted' idea and ran with it, unfortunately. Another good word (like 'gay') turned into slang and lost to the English language. Grr. Stop destroying my wonderful language!! sorry folks...but that's how I feel sometimes.


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