Blah blah blah....
"So Judas kissed his master and cried, 'All hail!' when as he meant all harm." - Henry VI, Shakespeare
Why do people talk so much bull?
Blah blah blah
Hello, goodbye. I love you, I hate you. Be with me, get away. Are people ever genuine? When did honesty become a nice old-fashioned "virtue"? People spew poetry as soon as they would fire, and often the two are intertwined until your enemy is your friend and the other way around...or the other way around...
But who's to judge when we take face-value so seriously?
And whose face has any value?
What are friends if they come and go? How can you take refuge in a shared moment with a friend if they wont be who they are to you in that moment a little bit later?
What should we say to the fearfully niave and open people who truly seek friendship and honesty? Unselfish love...
Can you not be like them and not be affected by them?
"One sees more devils than vast hell can hold." - A Midsummer Night's Dream, Shakespeare
People say love is the only good thing in life, but where is it?
And truth and love, being so evasive then, how can we love like we've nothing to lose?
Get what you want. Be found out. Cover it up. Do it again.
Seek what you want. Be used. Do it again because its better than nothing.
Is there nothing better?
Will we ever know if we're always in haste to put on our masks and conceal the truth that is behind all our faces? To keep up the charade? Desperate to keep the fake love intact, if only to have the illusion of it.
Who will say bravo at the end of that show?
hmmm. i think sometimes you can tell whether someone truly loves you. it will show. i don't mean to boast, but i think i can usually tell. i dunno... it might be because i'm naive. but i think the thing about taking things literally is you might not see the mask.
and sometimes even if you see the mask you keep trying. because you can peal off each layer after a while, and closer you get to their heart - until you can feel it beating, and then you feel it's warmth, and then you see it's blood... hahahahahaha ok no. :P ;)
i'm not going to say i obviously love you. in some ways we can never love each other perfectly. it's for those moments when something happens, God blows His breath through someone else and it doesn't stink, it makes you LIVE. and then it's a bit easier to love. it's for those moments we dance with each other, stepping on each other, but sometimes there's harmony...
oh, and i wanted to add...
it reminds me of lovers. awkard and shy and fumbling along the way because they're holding each other's hearts. true love is letting yourself be vulnerable and trusting someone else with themselves. they may look ridiculous and clownish to the outside world, but they're safely protected by a stronger shield. :P THERE, my preaching is done...
letting themselves*
all very true. its just hard to trust after things have been broken. but i find you have to push yourself and make the leap of faith otherwise you'll never have it again..and it is there.
"Its better to have loved and lost, than to never have loved at all..."
..yes...that was a gushy rant/post :P so thanks for looking into it anyway :)
I don't know what to say...cause I don't have any answers cause that's the exact same thing I'm trying to figure out myself. I know what you mean Lara. and I'm praying for you! i would say more but i gtg cause i have catechism tonight at church (blah) and yea. but i'll call you soon! bye
thanks hon, yeah, i think everyone struggles with this at some point in life, or probably all through life more like. praying for you too :) yes i want to talk to you! you're coming to youthgroup this saturday yes? say yes :P love you <3
sum...<3 love you, thank you.
oh i love you i do i do i doooooo!
i lovety-love-love you too legro!!! <3 we get to see each other tomorrow :D
and i get to see you summer! how are you? i miss you a lot!! <3 yeah hannah told me that you deleted msn b/c of the virus! it was strange because i signed off and later i signed on and it was fine and didnt do that anymore. although random people have been added to my msn. but i just delete and block them. and i'm sure they're not real people since its and not so obviously its the its not gone but it doesnt seem to be doing any harm right now. i asked james about it and he did a search but it couldnt be found. :\ evasive little bugger. i can live with it if it doesnt do anything though. so anyway. i'll post sometime soon, love you <3!
p.s had a great dance class last night!! feeling stretchy!
aghh the bean soup is exloding! i'm not even joking! its making strange noises and its strranngeee...yeah. um..i just commented and then i forgot that i did so i was like ohh i'm gonna go comment on laras blog...and that was like 20 seconds ago...yeah..short attention span..i'll get that looked at.. why is it that your blog makes me ramble on and on about nothing at all...thats..weird. ok well i'm seriously gonna go now and hopefully i won't forget i commented and come on an comment again. by the way, i like your post too, words are...crazy. super tiny little things and you can fit millions of them into a page and yet there sooo soooo hurtful or amazing or anything. its really quite cool acutally, its like weve been bestowed with this huuge power but if we misuse it we can ruin our lives and all the people around us's us's i know that was horrible. but yeah...words,tis a blessing and a curse and everything in between...gah i wanna invite you over...i'm so bad at taking initiative tho lol. dumb me. anyways. alright then. i love you and goodbye!
heck yno what...thats barely even what your post is about. but i was thinking about i guess yeah..i said what i said lol. it reminds me of that song!
"I'll take anything, anything genuine" yeah by the smalltown poets.. i love that song. people are so fake, its bothersome. Unselfish love...we are so not capab;e of it! if you read the love chapter in the bible its is patient love is kind love is this and that and your like AGHHH i can't do that! but yeahh hurray for God helping us!
ahh words cannot describe how you described my feelings. lol. i have a piano recital so i've gotta go.. i feel aching and hurting and tears are being held inside me and... that email i sent to your recently is so unrelavent to NOW... i mean not all of it but ... sigh. i gotta go. i love you... and not being fake. for real.
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