I just got back from campfire yesterday. wow.
everything was awesome and amazing. now that i'm back everything is just sleep, read, sleep, shower sleep. wow, the campfires and chapels and cpds were awesome, the games and swimming were sooo fun! even when the guys were trying to throw us in, lol that was mildly hilarious. lol katie you're a big fat laugh, i love you so much. haha wasnt it like this wednesday? GAG!!!! rofl!! its the cow!! go find it!! haha the watergun...FEET ON THE CEILING!! lmao, i can do guy push ups!!!! k i'll stop it now. i'm still laughing!!! cheeeeee.
hey btw, guys do good wolf impersonations. or i guess, wolfinations. er, yeah. that stuff. lol that made our night outside way more amusing. thanks guys. and we didnt mean to scare you all on your way back from showers in the morning. aheh. i was probably still sleeping under the toilet paper we were teepeed with anyway :P
lol oh and i had one shower during the week, that was AWESOME!
i love our cabin. mwah!!! and the campfire at the end was amazing and so deep. wow. all the shoulders to rub and cry on. everyone sharing what was going on inside. it was amazing.
and the skits were awesome!!! mostly the counsellor ones but the guy cabin skits were frickin hilarious too!! girls...e for effort, some were funny ;) lol ours was so dumb, but it was a lot of fun. i'm a mere cat. rar. i mean, scurry! sniff! FLINCH!!! lmao.
the campfire game was awesome, and wasaga beach was soo much fun. w00p! lol i like our indian dance. btw, some people can really bust a cartwheel...yes. they can. believe it.
i miss camp. i'm going to go read, eat, and sleep some more. tomorrow i will shower again and repeat daily. yaay!
k, good night. peace out. wooow. I MISS EVERYONE!!!! i miss kate, katie, rachel, osmo, astro, kendra, cat, roslyn, brittni, kira, raquelle, marise, ashley, all the counsellors (strum, captain loddz, napoleon, smore, twix, muchacha, cheeka, duke, hugo, expresso, crocket, big d), and nikki, pete, bryan, dan, dj, nicole, roz, riley, and miriam!!! AAH! i miss you all SO frickin much!!! and i'm probably forgetting more people and i'm really sorry i love you anyway!! here's hugs and kisses for you all xoxoxoxo
i just got back from camping too.
sigh...... i just showered... camping is so much fun... and i miss everyone so much too :'( and aaaaah... i cant talk about it yet :P
ah.... i need you.
co-op... can't wait for co-op... i get you my love every week!!
love love love.... MWA
*giggles uncontrollably* I am so happy today!!! i know! i get to see you every week this year!! thats defin. a record for us :P lol wowza! i love you. and i love you summer, you who should be coming to co-op as well you dingo. kssh. i love harry potter books. and baklava. good bye!
wait. i'm being uncourteous. summer how did camping go? wish i could have been! but i bet you guys had loads of fun :) lysha...i need you like peanut butter needs chocolate. <3
tis true... peanut butter is not complete without chocolate. you be the chocolate... i'll be the peanut butter. you make more words out of peanut butter.... tub nut... turban... putter... neat... :D see what i mean? i mean- who ever guessed you could spell turban outta "peanut butter"? heh. i know i know, i rock. don't flatter me to much now... ;)
sounds like you had an awesome time :). sweet.
aghh i miss camp like caraaazy
agh i miss camping like crazy. and sorry about the phone call last time and i got kicked off GAR. i wanted to talk longer. and i'm slowly finishing me email to you. and i'll call you again cause last time was way too short. and i have lots to tell yooouuu anyways i gtg! bye lovey. it's so crappy that i can't see you tomorrow at kath's birthday. GAR. I WANT TO GO. but a big hug from me bye!
aaauuugh! i know! janelle i wish you'd have come. haha yeah our phone call was like, a runt lol. yeah i have a lot to tell you too! mmmraaaherrrrrr. ok, i'll see you then! email or phone or whatever. i believe in your email ;) lol k love and peace babe.
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